It takes its estimates from the ar_pose_marker node (ARMarker message) using the ar_pose package and publishes fused estimated on the poseWithCovOut node (ARMarker message). The measurement covariance believe is updated according to the covariance contained in the ARMarker message. An additional ar_marker node is published containing a visualization_msgs::Marker message for rviz visualization.


  • Set up an ar_pose_marker node which gets pose estimates from your sensor. (demo launch files using prosilica cameras are available in the ar_pose_demo package)

  • Start the ar_pose_ekf component

roscd ar_pose_ekf
  • Read out the fused estimated with e.g. rviz (demo vcg files are available in the ar_pose_demo package)

Wiki: ar_pose_ekf (last edited 2010-10-01 05:56:43 by StevenBellens)