

The drink serving demo depends on several ROS packages. Please install the following ROS packages:

  • sudo apt-get install ros-diamondback-remote-lab
    sudo apt-get install ros-diamondback-brown-remotelab

Installation from source code

To run this demo, you will need the trunk of the drink serving stack: drink_serving and some additional packages such as simple_robot_control, SnapMapICP, ias_common, and ias_nav.

The following rosinstall file will get everything for you:

- svn: 
    local-name: drink_serving
    uri: 'http://svn/svnroot/bosch-ros-pkg/stacks/drink_serving/'
- svn: 
    local-name: simple_robot_control
    uri: ''
- svn: 
    local-name: SnapMapICP
    uri: ''
- svn: 
    local-name: ias_nav
    uri: ''
- git: 
    local-name: ias_common
    uri: ''

Note: To use the rosinstall file, create a new directory (e.g. drinks_demo), create a file named .rosinstall in this folder and paste the above text into it, go to the directory in a terminal and type

rosinstall . /opt/ros/diamondback
source ./
rosmake drink_serving

Please refer to the rosinstall page for more details.

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Wiki: drink_serving (last edited 2012-12-07 13:06:50 by Lorenz Mösenlechner)