
This repository gathers ROS stacks developed by the LAAS-CNRS.

Maintained / High-Quality Stacks

These stacks are stable, tested and support on them is provided (but not guaranteed, depending on how busy people are).



Robot models

3rd party software packaging

Private / closed-source stacks

These stacks are not available through ros.org / github.com due to copyright issues. However, we use them internally and may be able to share them under some conditions.

Please, send an e-mail directly to: <thomas.moulard AT gmail DOT com> for more information.


This stack gathers HRP-2 model as a URDF file and calibration data for our robot as YAML files.

  • Author: Thomas Moulard
  • License: closed source
  • Packages: hrp2_14_description, hrp2_14_machine, openhrp_bridge


This stack gathers our motion planning algorithms for humanoid robots.

  • Author: Antonio El Khoury, Thomas Moulard
  • License: closed source
  • Packages: hpp_wholebody_step_planner_bridge


Warning: these are all the stacks currently in development but which have been already released. This list may contain alpha/beta stage software as well as deprecated ones which should not be relied on.

Wiki: laas-ros-pkg (last edited 2012-10-08 12:32:59 by ThomasMoulard)