WARNING: This documentation refers to an outdated version of rosjava and is probably incorrect. Use at your own risk.

What is nxt_lejos?

This stack provides a binding to connect ROS with the educative platform LEGO Mindstorms NXT, running the leJOS Java-based replacement firmware. There already exists a nxt stack, which connects to a NXT robot running the standard LEGO Mindstorms firmware, using the nxt_python package. The main differences between the nxt and nxt_lejos stacks are:

  • nxt_lejos uses the leJOS firmware, a JVM for LEGO Mindstorms NXT;
  • nxt_lejos uses ROSJava and the leJOS PC API to establish a USB Connection or a Bluetooth connection to the NXT robot.



The project's architecture is:

  • nxt_lejos
    • nxt_lejos_navigation
    • nxt_lejos_msgs
    • nxt_lejos_proxy
    • nxt_lejos_lcp_proxy
    • nxt_lejos_map_server
  • nxt_lejos_apps
    • nxt_lejos_bumper_car
    • nxt_lejos_monitor
    • nxt_lejos_speech_control


See nxt_lejos/Installation.

Getting Started

See nxt_lejos_proxy/Tutorials.

Report a Bug

Currently the best way to report a bug is via the leJOS forum : http://lejos.sourceforge.net/forum/

Other Resources

Coming soon

Wiki: nxt_lejos (last edited 2013-01-16 21:22:41 by AustinHendrix)