Revision 12 as of 2011-06-29 06:37:05

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perception_pcl: pcl_ros

Package Summary

PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack. PCL-ROS is the preferred bridge for 3D applications involving n-D Point Clouds and 3D geometry processing in ROS.

perception_pcl: pcl_conversions | pcl_msgs | pcl_ros | pointcloud_to_laserscan

Package Summary

PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack. PCL-ROS is the preferred bridge for 3D applications involving n-D Point Clouds and 3D geometry processing in ROS.

perception_pcl: pcl_conversions | pcl_msgs | pcl_ros | pointcloud_to_laserscan

Package Summary

PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack. PCL-ROS is the preferred bridge for 3D applications involving n-D Point Clouds and 3D geometry processing in ROS.

perception_pcl: pcl_conversions | pcl_msgs | pcl_ros

Package Summary

PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack. PCL-ROS is the preferred bridge for 3D applications involving n-D Point Clouds and 3D geometry processing in ROS.

perception_pcl: pcl_conversions | pcl_msgs | pcl_ros

Package Summary

PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack. PCL-ROS is the preferred bridge for 3D applications involving n-D Point Clouds and 3D geometry processing in ROS.

perception_pcl: pcl_conversions | pcl_msgs | pcl_ros

Package Summary

PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack. PCL-ROS is the preferred bridge for 3D applications involving n-D Point Clouds and 3D geometry processing in ROS.

perception_pcl: pcl_conversions | pcl_msgs | pcl_ros

Package Summary

PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack. PCL-ROS is the preferred bridge for 3D applications involving n-D Point Clouds and 3D geometry processing in ROS.

perception_pcl: pcl_conversions | pcl_msgs | pcl_ros

Package Summary

PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack. PCL-ROS is the preferred bridge for 3D applications involving n-D Point Clouds and 3D geometry processing in ROS.


Please see the documentation of each individual package.

The perception_pcl stack contains the core Point Cloud Library plus other packages related to its core functionality.


If you're interested in staying up-to-date with the latest released version of PCL, use the following rosinstall file:

- svn:
    local-name: ros_pkg/stacks/perception_pcl


Currently, perception_pcl is a very active stack with lots of updates happening on a daily basis. Though not recommended, if you are a developer, and you want to provide a patch, change something in the latest revision, or simply check if a bug in the released version got fixed already, you can use the following rosinstall file:

- svn:
    local-name: ros_pkg/trunk/perception_pcl_unstable

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<<TracLink(ros-pkg point_cloud_perception)>>