


rf_detector is a categorical object detector using Random Forests. It runs a ROS node that expects stereo input data (with textured light) input from the texture_light_on_off node.

Subscribed topics

rf_detector subscribes to three ROS topics:

  • /t_on_off/image

  • /t_on_off/caminfo

  • /t_on_off/dense_cloud

After the rf_detector node receive all three topics, it will start detecting objects in the image.

launch files

rf_pcd_hogshape_detector_3Class.launch will start the rf_detector with some default parameter settings. There are five groups of parameters which need to be set.

1. table-top object related parameters :

  • PrineTableFlag -- if true, do table-top object candidate reasoning.

  • max_depth -- the maximum depth that the system will search for objects.
  • min_depth -- the minimum depth that the system will search for objects.
  • plane_axis_x -- the x component of the surface number orientation of the table in the image_frame.
  • plane_axis_y -- the y component of the surface number orientation of the table in the image_frame.
  • plane_axis_z -- the z component of the surface number orientation of the table in the image_frame.
  • eps_angle -- the tolerance of the different between the estimated surface norm direction and the one set by plane_axis.

2. patch sample related parameters

  • Radius -- Radius of corresponding the 3d sphere to be sampled.
  • SampleStep -- The step size (in pixel) between two nearby sampled patches .

  • winStep -- The incremental step of the patch size in pixel.
  • numCellPerWin -- the number of cells in each patch for both vertical and horizontal direction.
  • numCellPerBlock -- the number of cells in each Block for both vertical and horizontal direction.
  • padding -- The padding in pixel for both top-left and bottom-right corner.
  • ObjHeight2winHeightRatio -- Object height / Patch height

3. model related parameters

  • !RFmodel_filename -- the file describing the trained random forest.
  • FgBgProb_filename -- the Foreground/Background probability of each lead nodes in the random forest.

  • ClassIdBinary_filename -- the Class Id of each trained Foreground patch.

  • NormVotesBinary_filename --The normalized voting direction, the relative object height to patch height, the aspect ratio of the object.

  • MaxClassId -- the Maximum Class Id.

  • ClassId2ViewObjClassMapFile -- the file which map each Class Id into object Class index and Viewpoint index.

4. voting related parameters

  • hitThreshold -- The minimum Foreground/Background ratio of a node to cast votes.
  • MeanShiftMaxIter -- The maximum mean-shift iteration to search for local mode.

  • ObjHeightStep -- The incremental step of the object height in pixel.

  • !ObjASStep -- The incremental step of the object aspect ratio.

5. detection post processing related parameters

  • RectOverlapRatio -- The threshold to decide if two bounding boxes are overlapping each other.

  • ConfThre -- It defines the minimum score for a object detector could return.

Wiki: rf_detector (last edited 2010-01-08 21:38:29 by KenConley)