Eighteen awesome entries for the ROS 3D Contest

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3Dturtle.jpgWe're now busy judging the eighteen awesome entries to the ROS 3D Contest. There's everything from teleoperation to games to libraries for registration and calibration. It's going to be tough choosing who gets a prize on them.

You can go ahead and checkout the entries yourself. In most cases, you should be able to even download and try them out on your own Kinect or PrimeSense device.

While we tally the results, we'll spotlight the entries here.

First off are Garratt Gallagher's entries. Garratt was our most prolific entrant and produced a total of five separate entries. Each is worth it's own blog post, and many of them already have been featured here:

We're grateful that Garratt has taken the time to, not only enter the contest, but go the extra mile to make sure that others can try out his libraries and build on his creative ideas. If you like what you see, you should consider helping out his Bilibot project, which is a low-cost Kinect + Create platform.

Garratt's newest entry is "Customizable Buttons". Using the Kinect, you can draw on a piece of paper to create your own music board. It's a lot of fun, as you'll see in the video:

Garratt's Entries:

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This page contains a single entry by kwc published on January 24, 2011 10:10 AM.

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