July 2012 Archives

New Repository: nasa-ros-pkg

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From Steve on ros-users

Hi Everybody,

I am happy to announce that the NASA-GM Robonaut 2 Simulator stack is now available for download.

Information on how to rosmake and run it can be found here: http://ros.org/wiki/nasa_r2_simulator

The git repo is still being indexed (and will be available shortly), but in the meantime you can download the package directly:

Ø sudo apt-get install ros-fuerte-nasa-r2-simulator

Included are a few Gazebo launch files for viewing the robot alone, in the International Space Station (ISS) US-Lab module, or with the "ISS Task Board," which is a structure with a number of articulate buttons and switches that the robot can manipulate. Also, there is an interactive marker script that can be used to teleop the robot.

Of course, this is a beta version, and we hope to make improvements over time. But I invite anyone who is so interested to take a look and see what they can do!

Any feedback, even if you just have downloaded it and liked it, is welcome.

Enjoy! Steve

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