Mike Purvis (Clearpath Robotics) Robust Deployment with ROS Bundles

Looking foward to ROSCon 2017 we're highlighting presentations from last year. The ROSCon 2017 registration is currently open.

Mike Purvis presents how to build bundles and use them for deploying robots with ROS software.



Late in 2015, Clearpath was facing a deployment crisis, with software in various states going to customer sites, off-site demos, in-house demos & testing, and developer workstations. There was a build-up of cultural issues and technical limitations in the existing tooling. The solution to all of these issues has been to build the entirety of our robot's software in a single large workspace (using catkintools), and then ship the whole thing as one "fat" deb package. Lessons learned will be presented, along with a brief example of building a customized desktopfull bundle for Ubuntu - this should be sufficient to kickstart the efforts of anyone else who'd like to set up a similar build. The demonstration will highlight in particular our contributions to upstream ROS tooling which have been made in the course of this development work, hopefully merged in coming months


View the slides here

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This page contains a single entry by Tully Foote published on September 5, 2017 4:59 PM.

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