Announcing ROS Answers

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There's a brand-new site to help you ask questions about ROS and have them answered by a community of ROS experts. It's like Stack Overflow, but all the questions are about ROS, and it's powered by the open-source AskBot platform.

Melonee and Tully have been hard at work on this the past couple of weeks and explained their motivation in their announcment to ros-users:

Over the last couple months we've seen an increase in the volume of emails on ros-users and no one likes too many emails. So we put together to provide an alternative forum for asking and answering questions. If you really love getting all that email you can still have it by signing up for and setup your profile to receive all traffic like before. However if you prefer lower volume you can filter based on tags (whitelist or blacklist). This does not mean we're doing away with ros-users, we would like to use this mailing list more for announcements and general discussion rather than individual troubleshooting. We would to like to encourage everyone to signup at Go ask questions and provide answers as usual.

Some of you may be wondering, "Why don't you just use Stack Overflow?"

The ROS Answers site, we hope, will provide a better experience for users. All of the tags will be related to ROS -- you can even subscribe to questions about a particular package/stack. We also hope that we will be able to use the open-source AskBot platform to have tight integration with the ROS wiki. In the future, look for wiki macros and other navigation tweaks to help you find the information you need more effectively.

Also, you may be wondering "When should one use vs. the ros-users mailing list?" Well, there's an answer for that.


If you have questions or feedback about the site use "" as the tag so that we get your feedback.

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