Alejandro Hernández et al. (Erle Robotics) The robot_blockly package: programming ROS with blocks

Looking foward to ROSCon 2017 we're highlighting presentations from last year. The ROSCon 2017 registration is currently open.

In this session Alejandro presents robot_blockly as an approach to make programming robots more accessible.



robot_blockly is a ROS package that allows users to create ROS-based algorithms and behaviors, abstracting its complexity using blocks. The aim of the package is to hide the complexity of programming robots via functional blocks. As a rule of thumb, an average PhD student takes 3 weeks to learn ROS. This makes ROS programming not accessible for the great majority. The robot_blockly package aims to simplify the process of using ROS to the point of putting conceptual blocks together.


View the slides here

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This page contains a single entry by Tully Foote published on July 3, 2017 10:15 AM.

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