ROSCon 2017: rosnodejs -- Chris Smith (Rethink Robotics)

Looking foward to ROSCon 2018 we're highlighting presentations from last year.

Chris presents a new approach for integrating ROS using Node.js as an alternative to the rosbridge suite.



For years, the RosBridge suite (and it's corresponding javascript library roslibjs) have been the most practical way to integrate ROS and javascript. While this combination works fairly well in light-weight applications or as a prototype solution for pumping ROS topics into a web page, it starts to break down as the demands on the system increase. With the rise in popularity of backend javascript engines, particularly Node.js, relying on RosBridge to connect ROS and javascript code becomes a bottleneck in industrial applications with serious performance requirements. New web technologies (like Electron) also make the prospect of integrating a native ROS client library in Node.js more appealing.


View the slides here

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This page contains a single entry by Tully Foote published on September 24, 2018 11:08 AM.

ROSCon 2017: Model-based Design for Safety Critical Controller Design with ROS and Gazebo -- Michael Naderhirn, Mischa Köpf, and Josef Mendler (Kontrol GmbH) was the previous entry in this blog.

ROSCon Japan 2018 Successfully Concluded is the next entry in this blog.

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