Maxwell: a low-cost mobile manipulator using ROS

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Michael Ferguson, prolific contributor to albany-ros-pkg and vanadium-ros-pkg, has put together his own low-cost mobile manipulator using a Kinect, ArbotiX RoboController, Dynamixel servos, and a custom diff-drive base.

Maxwell is my latest attempt at a lowcost, human-scale mobile manipulator using an ArbotiX and ROS. The design guidelines were pretty straight forward: it needed an arm that could manipulate things on a table top, a Kinect for primary sensor on the head, and a mobile base that kept all that stuff upright. Additionally, I wanted the robot to be easy to transport and/or ship.

You can find out more at Show Us Your Sensors as well as the Trossen Robotics Forums.

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This page contains a single entry by kwc published on February 12, 2011 10:08 PM.

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