Internship with Renault-Nissan on Autonomous Cars

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Interested in developing software for autonomous cars?  So are we!  And we'd love to have your help.


Here in Silicon Valley we are working on advanced research for autonomous vehicles.  We have collaborations with local labs and startups, connections to other global Renault-Nissan research groups (CA, France, Japan), and most importantly our own autonomous test vehicle.  This summer we're looking to host 1-2 interns, specifically to learn about autonomous vehicles and contribute to our autonomous software development.


Who: Renault Innovation Silicon Valley (RI-SV)

Where: 1215 Bordeaux Drive; Sunnyvale, CA 94089

What: internship developing software for autonomous driving

When: late June - mid September (dates flexible)


We are looking for students who have:

-          Background in CS, robotics, ME, or some combination thereof

-          Familiarity with vehicles and/or robotics problems

-          Interest in autonomous vehicles

-          Experience with Linux, C++, and ROS


If you are interested, want more information, and/or think driving around the only autonomous Renault in the US is a cool way to spend the summer, please contact Shad Laws at

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