ROSCon 2017: ROS for Search and Rescue Robotics: Tools and Lessons learned during TRADR -- Martin Pecka (Czech Technical University in Prague) Sergio Caccamo (Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (KTH Stockholm))]Renaud Dube (ETH Zurich) Vladimír Kubelka (Czech T

Looking foward to ROSCon 2018 we're highlighting presentations from last year.

Martin and Sergio present an overview of TRADR as well as ROS packages and tools they've developed in the course of the project. Most of the tools have been released as open source packages. And at the end they present some real world use cases where their robots were helpful.



Search and Rescue Robotics is an extremely challenging and broad area of robotics that has recently been experiencing enormous progress. In the last 3 years, the EU project TRADR investigated many aspects of the aforementioned field. With this talk, we would like to share with the ROS community the experience acquired in the development of our system based on advanced use of ROS, in testing and using various hardware, and in dealing with end-users that compose the human-robot teams during search and rescue missions.


View the slides here

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This page contains a single entry by Tully Foote published on September 14, 2018 9:41 AM.

ROSCon 2017: Introducing OpenManipulator; the full open robot platform -- Darby Taehoon Lim, Yoonseok Pyo, and Leon Ryuwoon Jung (ROBOTIS) was the previous entry in this blog.

ROSCon 2017: Determinism in ROS - or when things break /sometimes / and how to fix it... -- Ingo Lütkebohle (Bosch Corporate Research) is the next entry in this blog.

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