image_common 0.6.0 released

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image_common 0.6.0 has been released.

There is one deprecation: creating an image_transport::SubscriberFilter now requires an image_transport::ImageTransport argument in place of a ros::NodeHandle. The constructor/subscribe() taking ros::NodeHandle will be removed in a later release.

image_transport::Subscriber now attempts to detect a common user error, passing in a transport-specific topic name (e.g. "/camera/image/compressed") in place of the base topic ("camera/image"), and print a useful warning.

Other changes are mostly bugfixes and making image_transport's publisher/subscriber classes more closely mimic the behavior of ros::Publisher and ros::Subscriber in edge cases.



  • Subscriber attempts to recognize and warn when the user passes in a transport-specific topic instead of the base topic.
  • ImageTransport constructor from NodeHandle is now explicit.
  • SubscriberFilter takes an ImageTransport argument in constructor and subscribe(). Old versions with a NodeHandle argument are deprecated.
  • (Camera)Publisher and (Camera)Subscriber methods now mimic roscpp behavior when the object is "invalid" (default-constructed or shutdown).
  • Publisher plugin parameter lookup correctly starts in the namespace defined by the base topic.


  • Added stream-based read/write functions for INI and YML representations.


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