ROS Jade Turtle Release

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We're happy to announce the official release of ROS Jade Turtle [1]! 


Jade Turtle is the ninth release of ROS and is primarily targeted at the Ubuntu distributions Trusty, Utopic, and Vivid. Our current count of packages is 520, you can compare the packages available in Indigo vs. Jade here:

You can install Jade by following the Jade installation instructions here:

I'm also happy to officially announce the name of the next release of ROS as Kinetic Kame, which we'll refer to as just "kinetic"!

We've also just finished deploying the new website and updated the documentation[3] on the new way to do prereleases for Jade and Indigo:

We're also aware of, and working on, an issue that affects rosbuild on newer Ubuntu's. The issue is a blocker, but not on Trusty. We hope to have a solution in the next few weeks. Please follow this issue if you are interested:

Finally, I want to thank all of the people who helped make this release and get it started strong and on time by the release date (which is also World Turtle day [2])! Thanks also to Tully who put together a video representation of the 40 some odd contributors across around 500 packages:

Thanks to everyone, and enjoy ROS Jade!

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