CoTeSys-ROS Fall School on Cognition-Enabled Mobile Manipulation.

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Sixty-five students spent the first week of November at the very first CoTeSys-ROS School on "Cognition-enabled Mobile Manipulation". These students focused on the challenges of personal robotics, like manipulating items in human environments. These students attended many lectures and also got hands-on experience with the PR2 robot and TUM-Rosie. They learned everything from basic ROS concepts, to navigation, perception, planning and grasping, knowledge processing, and reasoning. By the end of the week, they were able to program a robot to navigate to table, perceive objects on it, infer missing items, fetch the missing items, and bring them to the table -- an impressive feat.

The feedback on this first event was very positive. "Perhaps the most valuable was meeting researchers and other Ph.D students working in research areas closely related to my own, but of course the talks and tutorials themselves were almost as valuable; it would have taken much longer to learn all these things on my own," said one participant.

The Fall School may have been limited to sixty-five students, but thanks to the organizers, you can watch videos of the lectures and download all the code materials. You can read more feedback on the event at the official report. Many thanks to the organizers in the IAS department at TUM and the many guest lecturers that made this first event a success.

The CoTeSys Fall School was jointly organized by IAS department at TUM (Technische Universität München) and Willow Garage

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