ROS 3D Entries: Improved AR Markers for Topological Navigation

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Thumbnail image for 3Dturtle.jpgMichael Ferguson is a prolific contributor to ROS. His entry into the ROS 3D Contest is "Improved AR Markers for Topological Navigation". AR markers are a cheap and effect way to find the position of objects in an image using cheap cameras. Michael recognized the opportunity to combine these markers with the Kinect, which has both camera and depth data, to transform them into markers in three dimensions. You can even use this to find the position of the robot by attaching the markers to known locations in your map.

We encourage you to check out the many different robots that Michael is building, from the iRobot Create and Dynamixel AX-12-based Nelson to the up-and-coming Create + Kinect + tripod Trike. The software for the contest entry along with these robots can be found in albany-ros-pkg, which also contains a Neato XV-11 driver for ROS.

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This page contains a single entry by kwc published on January 31, 2011 9:57 PM.

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